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Sunday, February 24, 2008 ; 12:01 AMY
a brand new life is beginnin **
'bckk frm my COHORT CAMP!!....'


well...it took mie 2 days 2 reallie tink thru whthr 2 blogg abt da camp anot...n ii decided....yesh ii will!!...hehehee.....mndae n tues...skul as per nrmal...sooo BORINGG!!...but mie n my fwens were tinkin of THE camp!!...hahaa....tues...came hm abit l8 coz ii accmpanied Yana go Lot1...2 buy her shampoo n shower soap fer da camp...hehe...had loads of fun la...aft buyin...went 2 Mac...sat n talk fer dunnoe hw mani hrs...it felt gud 2 talk 2 her aft a long tym nt sittin dwn 2gthr n talk frm heart 2 heart....goshh!!!...went off lyk at arnd 3 plus...

took da bus wit her...coz ii was damn tired edi...hehee...msged wit Lut fer awhile..den stopped coz he was havin a meetin.....reachd my stop...waved 2 Yana....walk slowly bck 2 my door step...aft reachin hm n changin...went straight 2 my rm 2 take my camp bag n stuffs 2 bring....n ii STARTED packin....weee....took mie less da an hr 2 finish pckin...tats bcoz iim used 2 pckin fer camp...esp aft goin 2 OBS....wekekeke....finish pckin...watched tv...damn was ii boredd...

at arnd 7 plus??...ii dunnoe...my mum gt hm...hehehee...den blahblahblahhh.....at arnd 9plus...Lut called mie...we talk fer awhile den he accidentally put dwn da fonee....haiyooo.....den at arnd 11plus...he called mie agn...den we talk crapp...ii cudnt slp....nt bcoz ii was excited but ii was nervous n ii dunoe y la....haixx....stupidoo...haha...talk n talk n talk...listen 2 perfect10 den laugh at da jokes blahblahblah...den we sang da songs bein playedd....we were being sooo lameee.....golly goshh!!...hahaha....den he was lyk driftin off 2 slp....soo..ii askd hym 2 go toilet blow out his nose...den slp.....we said our gudbyes...n both of us went 2 slp automatically...hehe...

woke up at arnd 6 plus...gt readie...msged wit my cygg fer awhile...den went out of da house at 6.40 plus..."rush" 2 skul...reach yew tee walked 2 skul by myself....sadd tat Sunset wasnt goin....haixxx....reach skul...went 2 parade sq...saw my cygg but ii dun tink he saw miee...saw Dee, Dania n Yana....went 2 dem...said gudbye n gud luckk 2 Yana....went 2 sit dwn wit Dee n Dania....sat wit da present malay guyz in our class....onli 26 students turned up fer da camp...golly goshh!!...hw pathetic la....buden..iim happie tat all da malay students cameee.....yays!!!!(=

did our mrning assem...blahblahblahhhh..........went 2 da hall...bt ii went sumwhr else 1st...hehe...said gudbye 2 my dearest meimei whu is goin fer her camp at Malaysia...(sooo GUD!!!)..well...aft tat ii went 2 da hall...had a briefin....our camp is called....Live! Operation....goshh....soo damn lyk ARMY!!....scary sehhh......buden ii dun regret goin fer it!!!(= hehee...met our PMs, Platoon Mentors!!!....haha....they r...PM Arun n PM HuiSin....PM HuiSin is prettie larx...haha...(ii lurve her necklaceee....damn nice!!!...) hehe...

went dwn 2 cnteen...had sum talk wit our PMs...ii gt PM Arun as my grp PM...haha...iim in da same grp as Dee, Dania, Lennard, Khairul, Yusri, Caroline, Chuan Teng, Jia Hui n loads moree..n our grp name is..WHALE!!...hehe...went 2 take our bags...den leave skul....wahh...in bus....felt quite sadd...coz iim startin 2 mishh my Eeyore...hahaa...iim being childishh....saddd...EEYORE....(ii MISS uu alot durin camp!!!!)

reach campsitee...wow...cant believee...da camp has startedd....had ftdrill lessons...no nid bang our legs...tats a new ting ii nid 2 get used wit durin da camp....hahahahaaa......den nid 2 do pumpin....gosh!!...ermm..if iim nt wrng we did 50 pumpin??...dun rmb...goshh..wear short pants n do pumpin at a rocky field....pain sia my knee...felt lyk givin up....bt THERES NO WAE iim GIVIN UP whn camp has juz STARTED!!!!...hehe....did..a couple of othr activities....da best of dem all was SLIPPERY SLOPE!!!...haha....

did tat aft our lunchh...n guess wat...ii didnt eat my breakfast....hehee...gosh was ii hungry..buden ii didnt eat finishh..nvm la...at least ii was abit full....hehee....did da slippery slope...it was damn FUN!!!...hahaha....ii was da 1st ghurl 2 reach da TOP!!...hw fun was tat??...hehee....iim happie bcoz of tat....haha...ii climbed bhind Izzat...Khairul went up 1st den Fahmy....aft tat was Yusri...den Izzat...followed by miee n Syafiqah...tried 2 help her up buden it was too slipperyy...soo ii had 2 go up 1st...

up up mie, Izzat n Yus went.....weeee....Khairul help mie reach da top!!...haha...den he went dwn 2 help Syafiqah den she sae she wanna go try do it agn....soo she went bck dwn...n started agn...ii helped da othr ghurls up...den went half wae dwn wit Dee n Lennard 2 help da othrs up....haha...it was soo damn fun laaaa.....den whn all of us r up edi...we asked Mrs Loe n Mr Mohd 2 join us....dey did...haha...den had a lyttle talk up thr...took in da sincery.....

den mie, Dee, Yazid, Yus, Fahmy n Khairul asked whthr we cud slide dwn da slope frm our PMs...n dey allowed....haha...if iim nt wrng Izzat went slidin wit us too....(goshh...ii dun rmb....) hehee...we asked PM Arun 2 water da slope...n OFF we slideeee......it was sooo DAMN fun!!!...we were shoutin n screamin..haha....soo great!!!.....den whn goin 2 reach da end...ii grabbed hold of da rope buden it didnt reach da end sooo...ii had 2 let goo...had an accident thr...hahahaa...no breaks...denn....BAMB!!!....hahaha....all of us...ended up dirtyyy....den went 2 da tap n wash half of our bodyy...hahaa....it was damn KEWL!!!....hahaa....

while washin we were lyk talkin abt da slide n stuffss...den ii noticee...da class near da water tap was....4/7...MALUUU!!!...hahaha...(kaekae....dun wanna sae y la ehh...hehehee...) den went bck 2 da slippery slope...watch da othrs cum dwn SLOWLY...haha...it was soo damn funnn....did a couple more activities aft tat....den at arnd 7 or 8 plus had our dinner if iim nt wrng...den go up had DEBRIEF....we r da 1st class 2 go bathee....

da guyz bed was set up by dey demselves...pity pityy....da ghurls get da bunks on top of da guyz....kewl la...(feel lyk at chalet siaaa..) hahaha...den wow!!!...ii feel sooo happieeee.....cozz...ii gt 2 noe tat my cygg is slpin near da door 2 da staircase 2 da ghurls bunkk...hehehe...den ii was tinkin....hw am ii suppose 2 slp w/o my phoneee...ii wanna listen 2 musicc!!...n den suddenly rmbed...hw am ii suppose 2 wake up tml???.......goshh!!...nid 2 AUTO wake up coz NO alarm clock....hehehee.....

2nd daeee......
wake up at arnd 5 plus??...nt suree...nid 2 get ready bfer 6.30.....look 2 my left...Dee still slpin...sooo.....ii woke her up...she woke Dania up...den Dania woke Syafiqah up...hehehee.....mie n Dee went dwn...saw ALOT of guyz still slpin...gosh!!!....den it was all blahblahblahhh aft tat....at arnd 6.20 plus...woke up da guyz....esp tat Lennard...hahaha...disturb Zul...fun sehh...hehehee...den get readyy...saw my cygg ALOT of tym...hehehe...happie happie...ii was smilin all da waeee.....

he was carryin da boyz bedd...awwww...hehehe...soo swit...den we all nid 2 gather...put bags n everyting...saw my cygg agn...happie sehh...get 2 c hym alot of tym...ii appreciate gettin 2 c hym everydaee...he makes my dae brighter...weeeee....had our PT!!!...wow....Encik John was our PT I/C....haha....did alot of tings includin Push Up, Sit Up n oso Success Clap!!...did 1000 success claps...felt lyk dyin siaaa...buden look at my cygg do...ii dun dare 2 giv up!!...iim determined 2 carry on...evn wit a bleedin finger...hehehee....(my finger is alrite nw...better den eva!!!okie...sooo its nt better den eva...bt its better nw...)

done wit da PT...went dwn 2 our gatherin area 2 hav our breakfast.....STUPID!!!...breakfast was RATION FD!!...ii wanna die sia....eeee....iim NEVER gonna eat tat RATION fd animoree...ii rather hav NDP's SFI fd den RATION fd!!!.....thank god it was only fer BREAKFAST n LUNCH!!!!gosh!!...ii onli ate da biscuit fer tat daeee....kewl huh??...ii lasted til Dinner okie!!....had our class trekkin.....it was quite okie...felt abit sad coz we onli did one checkpoint...n lonelyy coz cant c my cygg....reached Farmart...saw hym!!!hehehe...happie sia...buden ii was talkin 2 da guyz...hehehe...

went bck 2 our campsite...die!!...ii help carry da Jerry tin...lyk wanna die sehh....buden it wasnt tat heavy coz we top up alot of water bottles....hehehee..c my cygg...iim oso STRONG...hahaha...(kae..iim being LAME!!) sat dwn at dis rd...eat da ration fd....wow...ii felt lyk VOMITIN siaaa....da fd if nice nvm...bt nw...its nt...n da guyz, esp Lennard, cn sae its nice...!!!die la...ii dunnoe hw he taste tat fd sehh....haixx...ii eat abit onli...den we went fer our LONG marchh....kae da march was MEREPEK!!...hehe...my class was da last class...wakao...den dey all leave us...den we nid 2 run!!....sad sehh....

durin da march...ii was alone...ii felt soo damn left out la...Dee was alwys wit Syafiqah...Dania was busy bein bossy...den ii was thr...walkin...startin 2 b EMO!...hw ii wishh Yana, Zul, Fuad, ShiChang or my sygg was thr.....at least ii cud talk 2 dem...den ii wont b sadd n feel left out...haishh....ii dun tink ppl notice ii was EMO-ing thr...ii sang softly my song wit my cygg...hopin he will hav dis instinct tat ii was alone...n sadd...buden ii dun tink he did hav tat instinct...nvm la...its all ova nw....

contd our marchh....bein boreddd....den ii tink Dee notice ii was sadd...soo...she startd talkin n walkin wit mie...includin mie into da chats wit Syafiqah...den walk walk walk....walk n walk n walk...den all was bleahxxx...............iim glad da walk was over soon aft tat.....cn c my cygg agn...cn show hym hw unhappie ii was......bleahxx...hehee....had a so called DEBRIEF abt da long marchh...buden alot of ppl was fallin aslp...n my cygg wasnt thr...saddd...den PM HuiSin gav us our POWER NAP!!...kewl la sheee...hehehe....went up 2 our bunk area...saw my cygg class....HECK CARE!!...all ii was tinkin was....my POWER NAP!!...ii want it soo DAMN badlyy....

lie dwn inbtween Lennard n Dee on da floor...den fell aslp...buden gt alot of disturbancee....FED UP sehh....aft awhile...PM HuiSin came bckk...woke all of us up...den da class bhind us was playin Grenade...den PM HuiSin oso do da same 2 wake us up buden we were slpy sooo...we didnt react at all...until suddenly gt sum1 go throw a BOMB BAG....nw den all giv reaction....RUN fer ur LIFEE!!!....AHHHHHHH......heheheee....all da classes nearby was lyk curious y my class shoutin sehhh...hahahahaa....tat includes my cygg too....

its nt as if ii dun notice hym....ii can evn recongise hym frm his bck view...pls la ehh.....den aft tat we r truly up leee...heheheee....den all da classes gather n we playd a GAME!!!hahaa.....3rd plc went to 4/3!!...yays!!...big claps fer dem...2nd plc went tooo....SHOCKIN la!!!....4/2!!....my class....AHHH!!!...happie happieee...1st plc went to 5/1 & 5/2.....cehhbahhh......hahahahahaaa.....sad my cygg class nvr win.......heheheheeee....(weii...ii reallie mean wat ii sae kae!!)

den...da ghurls helpd da guyz bring their bags out of da big green tent while dey carry da beds n arrange dem!!...finish everyting we went dwn 2 gathr n hav our DINNER!!!....wekekekeee....den all was blahhblahhblahhh.........had our CO nite!!...it was great...my class performance turned out horribly different frm wat we expectedd...buden...we did our best!!...heheheeee......da best performance muz b 4/3, 5/1 & 5/2.....da performance was funnie n damn excitin...heheheee.....4/5, 4/9 n 4/7 class performance was gud too...heheeee....my cygg tink of da cheer fer his class....(iim happie fer hym tat his class performance turnd out well!!!...)

aft CO nitee....had our so called debrief...damn...PM HuiSin made mie, Dee n sum othr ppl cry..wit those swit words of hers....goshhh!!...den 2 our SURPRISE!!!....Mr Chen cameee.....AHHHHH......we were lyk SMILIN frm ear to ear la....talkd 2 hym...den hugged Mrs Loe...hugged PM HuiSin n sang da Barney Song!!...hehee....ii wont ferget tat part..coz da prson whu startd singin was mie n Dee...hehehee...da othrs joind in......sooo MEMORIABLE laaaa.....

den it was tym fer us 2 slp...n hav our rest!!....heheee...ii went up n took a ppr...wrote dwn a note fer my cygg...n gav hym da 2 plasters ii owed hym....hehe...passd da note 2 Shaidu coz my sygg wasnt thr...n ii cant wait thr coz verie MALU!!...sooo....ii noe tat he did get tat letter....happie fer hym...(ii hope it brought a smile 2 ur face sygg...) den mie, Dee, Dania n Syafiqah went n pack our bags soo tml no nid 2 panic coz havnt pck bagg....aft tat we went fer our BED!!!....yays......tym fer beddd.....every1 was tinkin tml cn go hm leeee.....cant wait fer tml!!!.....

3rd dae...
woke up...changd den of cuz brush my teeth....went dwn wit our bagpck...c alot of guyz wake up edi...no nid 2 wake dem leee...hahahaa....mie, Dee, Dania n Syafiqah sat, near da plc we alwyz hav our debrief, n waitd fer da othrs....da guyz put their baggs thr n went bck 2 carry da beds....hehe....saw my cygg agn...(ii saw hym n he looks lyk he showin off sehhh....) wekekee...kaekae....den dey finit everytingg....Encik John askd us 2 put our bags in da BIG green tent n gathr agn...w/o bringin anitin...buden mie, Dee, Dania n Syafiqah brought our water bottles.....

had our last PT!!....my class is doin infrnt of my cygg's class...(hw kewl was tat??) ii was determind nt 2 giv up half wae thru evn if ii cant hold on animore ii will do my best 2 finit all of da stuffs we r supposd 2 do....(ii do nt want my sygg 2 look dwn on my own abilitiesss!!!!) n ii didnt...ii made it thru...wit da mind set tat iim gonna go hm soon....Dee n Dania is thr wit mie...doin da same ting...n of cuz...knowin tat my cygg is thr..goin thru da same ting...n he's nt givin up...so y shud ii?!...hehee....(gud mind set huh???) well...we did anthr 1100 success claps 2 beat our old record...sooo we did a total of 2100 success clapss....try n beat tat......!!!!!

well....aft PT...went 2 our gatherin plc 2 hav our mrnin assem n oso our last BREAKFAST!!!...OMG...last day leee....aft dis cant c our PM's n Encik John animoree.....owhhhh....tat reallie break mine's n my classmate's HEARTS.....goshh....breakfast wasnt ready yet sooo...we did area cleanin....4/1 to 4/3 is in team A....4/4 to 4/7 is in team B while 4/8 to 5/2 is in team C....team A n B clean da area whr we slept fer 2 days...while team C did area cleanin fer da plc we alwys gather....haha...soo happiee...ii wud b in da same area as my cygg....

weeee....went up....saw my cygg.....iim suddenly in a better mood den ii was tat mrning...wakaka...(kae..iim LAMIN la ehh...) den did sum area cleanin...he kip walkin arnd sumtyms near my plc...den ii kip c-in hym...n smilin by myself...(ppl mae tink ii was CRAZIE!!!aiyooo....) hehee...went bck 2 my workk...den blahblahblahhh....finit everytingg...sat dwn wit da othrs n write reflection abt da camp....hahahahaaa....while ii was doin tat...ii had a great tym jokin arnd wit Dee, Yus, Yazid, Fahmy n Izzat....its fun talkin 2 dem...hehee...

den we nid 2 go dwn 2 hav our BREAKFAST....at last!!....ii was damn hungry edi...had breakfast...yada yada yada....den had abit of ftdrill trainin...coz we r gonna b havin a LAST POP!!...hehe...dey givin out best trooper n oso best GRP!!...hahahaaaa.....fer my class...best trooper was Lennard n Jia Yin....big cngrats 2 dem...!!!4/3's best trooper was Hadi n Jonathan....4/4's best trooper was Eliana n Hakim....4/6's best trooper was Eliana n sum1 ii dunoe...4/7's best trooper was Lutfil Hadi n ShiChang....(cehhhbahh...jealous uu noe!!!hahaha) da othr classes ii dun rmb muchh...bt ii noe tat Syafizah gt best trooper....

BIG CNGRATS 2 all of dem...!!!!!n of cuz...da big finalie..isss....best GRP!...n it goes 2....4/3....woohooss.....bigg clapps fer dem...coz dey reallie did show tat dey r soo damn BONDED...n dey r da onli class wit all boyz in it....lucky luckyyy.....aft POP...did abit of debrief n sayin GUDBYE's 2 our beloved PMs...soo sad sehh....ii didnt feel lyk leavin dem...buden we hav 2....took our bags dwn frm da tent...went bck 2 da gatherin area n recall all da tings we had done durin da camp...den...finally had a real farewell...coz da bus hav reach le...haixx....n nt fergettin...Encik John cried while sayin his farewell n thankiuu 2 all of us....AWWW.....(dun cryy....ii miss uu carin fer mie ALOT...hahahaa)

queued up fer da bus...shoke hands wit Encik John...(yays!!!owh my godd...ii wont ferget hw he shoke my handd...soo memoriable la...) haha...(kaekae...runnin out of my point edii...) well....reachd skul...saw Sunset!!!...goshh did ii miss her...haha...went up 2 her n sae hie den yada yada yadaa....saw my cygg...weee...hehe...he was waitin fer miee...wekekeke...buden ii didnt care abt hym fer tat particular moment...(sorrie sygg...BUZY ikit) took pics wit PM HuiSin....WANTED 2 take pics wit Encik John buden dun hav cameraa....SOO DAMN SADD la....haixxx.....den hav my last hugg wit PM HuiSin...sae bye...

den whn ii was goin 2 walk off wit my cygg...PM HuiSin askd mie..whthr tats my boi..n ii saee..my FWEN nt my STEAD!!....wekekeee....den ermm..went out of skul..walkd 2 Yew Tee wit Dee n Jia Hui, nt wit my cygg coz he walkd wit Yazid, den ii took 307 bck hm...n ii guess...tats all abt da MEMORIABLE camppp.....ciaoz...take care ppl...n hope uu lyk da entryy...thnx fer readinnn.....((=


the two pics taken aft CAMP!!!...weeee....

Monday, February 18, 2008 ; 8:08 PMY
a brand new life is beginnin **

'my new n improve life has begunnn......'


kaekae...startin 2 b lameee....well...ii am HERE obviously 2 postt....coz sum1 lookin ferwardd 2 it.....dunnoee y la ehh......well....tdaeee.....ii sitted at hm...nt duin anitingg juz editing my fwenster, my webbie fer tagged n sum othr webbie's ii hav...hehe...kae la...kindaaa....ii was actuallie waitin fer my deardear 2 cum my housee...2 giv mie my prsnt!!!....both Valentine's Dae 1 n BFD 1.....buden..he nvr turn up....**DISSAPPOINTEDD** buden ii cant blame hym...he gt extra lessons n stuffs lyk tat....ii tink he juz fergt abt cumin 2 CCK.....

dissappointed but hell!!...its okieee.....ii cn get it sum othr tyms..((= c EEYORE...ii cn b fergivin too!!!....hahahahahaaa.....well....gt sum new nicks....lyk: FahFah iifah, sleeping beautyy....n my fav...AURORAA...hehe...tats wat ii chose fer myself la yeee.....hahahaaaa......kaekae....**nid 2 STOP being LAME!!!** hehehee....gosh!!....lari dokkk....hehe...had a gud dae in skul....learned a new chap fer Amaths n Emaths....okie la...ii understand wat da tchr is teachin fer AMATHS!!...tats a gud news fer miee...hahaha...coz my class gt splited up n iim in da fast learners class...hehehe....ermm...had a mt test....ii cnfirm lost a couple of mrks coz ii did sum ques wrongly!!...(tk bace btol2...nga STRESS tu sbab!!!!!!).....damn mie!!!

enuf abt da test...make mie sadd onli!!....soo...aft skul...Dee followed mie hm...she used da comp fer awhilee...go check mails, fwenster, blogg n stuffs.....while ii EAT!!!n watch TV....wakakakaka......lets c...ii watched Danny Phantom, Kim Possible, My Little Pony, Totally Spies...n much much moree....goshh...iim childishh!!!....heheheheheee.....**dis is wat happen whn ii get hyper, lame n boredd**....den...chatted wit my dear lyttle meimei....she sae tat Lutfil is goin 2 ShiChang's house at 7.30pm....ii was lyk....owhkaeee........y did uu tell miee dis??...she saee...ShiChang told her tat...fer no gud reason....haiyooo.....

ShiChang...ShiChang....wat talkin uu???!!!!!.......nvm...**wats over is overrr**....(goshh iim gettin gud at dis...) BLEAHHH....hahaa.....well....ii guess tats all...ciao ppl!!!((= HAPPIE lutfil???....hahaaaa.....upcumin updates wud b....NFC!!!...lazie 2 contd da update yst....SORRIEEEE!!!!^^


Saturday, February 16, 2008 ; 8:57 PMY
a brand new life is beginnin **

GOSH!!my blogg turned HORRIBLE n ii dunnoe hw!!!!ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!......well....its been 2 days since Valentine's Dayy......sorrie fer nt updatin on da day itselff!!...ii was busyy wit Common Test, Class Test n studyin....hehe......sorrie ppl!!....iim here 2 WISH every1 whu noes abt dis blogg....HAPPIE BELATEDD VALETINE'S DAYY!!!....hope uu ppl had a very wonderful daee....coz ii did!!!....wehehee.....evn tho got chem class test on tat daee....ii hav da feelin ii will pass it coz ii gt STUDYY!!!...hehee...n my BELOVED darl n sister bought fer mie sumtingg.....yays!!...iim SOO HAPPIE!!!....n oso thnx donkeyy n deardear fer makin my dae too.....hehe...iiLOVEthemBOTH!!!hehee.....ii guess tats all abt da "BIGG" V daee......

2dae is NFC daee......OMGOMGOMG!!!...hahaha....RGT last min pulled outt...sadd laaa....... **SORRIE SHICHANG n LUTFIL...fer disappointin uu guys n oso wastin ur tym...(espSHICHANG!!)** ...ii, as da commander of RGT squad, officially sae sorrie 2 da 2 guyzz....we wasted ur tym lor shichang...uu came 2 teach us but end up we didnt join da comp!!....fer Lutfil...we r sorrie bcoz of us takin Shichang..uu nid 2 do eveyting by urself!!........well...ii've done ii wanna do....soo...tats all abt RGT squadd...

ii went thr wit Yong Xin, Vanessa n Shaidu...invited Shichang n Lutfil alongg buden...both canot coz Lut wanna go out wit his fam...Shichang wanna go out in da aftnoon......sooo...da 4 RGT RCY cadets...went 2 Boon Keng...haha...BENDEMEER SEC!!here we CUM!!!.....wakakaka....reach thr....Vanessa n Shaidu was lyk....askin demselves y dey r goin thr....sooo.....dey decided nt 2 follow us go Bendemeer Sec....(wastin moneyy seh both of uu!!!) buden its nt my mnyy....hehehe....xDD

reach Bendemeer....saw...Kelly of Cedar Girls..frm NDP06...sae hello den walk awaee...hehehe....den saw.....KAK RAD!!!!!!ahhhh.....ii still cant believe ii met her.....HUGG her lykk...HELL!!....ii MISSED her SOO damn MUCHH!!!...boooo....we didnt hav a hugg 2gthr wit Syahira....goshh...ii miss my cnference calls wit dem...its been tooo LONG!!!....sat wit her....msg deardear......who is outside of da skul....EATIN!!!!!....gahh!!...ii havnt eat my breakfast yet la......HUNGRYY sehh....

nvmnvm....TAHAN!!!....endiorrr.......wakakakaka.......iim SOO LAME tdaeee......denn....of cuz...ii saw Aaron...wit his LANDYARDD!!....wakao weii...ii oso want LANDYARD!!!.....='( heartpain la..........alot of ppl ii noe gt landyard le....haixx.....BCOZ of SHAIDU....ii CANOT go fer RC CHALLENGE CAMP...if nt...landyard cum 2 mieee.....eeeeeeeeeee.......nvm....wats over is over.....open a new chap of my lifee....buden...reallie alot of ppl wearin la...sum LOWER den mie sia........haiyoooooooooo..................

aft hw mani mins....saw my deardear....ahhh.......DEARDEAR, ii misshh uu soo muchh.....(waitin fer my prsnt!!)...(btw ppl...iiAMsooNOThisGF!!!iimHISyoungerSIS)....kaekae.....enuf abt it...ermm...giv hym his flowerr....(iiNOEuuLOVEit!!!hehe) contd watchin....took alot of VIDs.....includin...Greendale Sec, Compassvale Sec, St Margs, Cedar Girls n sum othr skuls.....those nicenice 1 la....verie inspirin...buden...mostly all use da same STEPS.....goshh!!.....ii get soo damn boredd....sooo msg my sygg...

hahaha....talk 2 Kak Rad ALOT!!!.....told her abt my lifee aft NDP06&07.....hw iim doin as a sec4 student....n stuffs lyk tat....saw Hanisah fer da 1st tym!!...hahaa....wow...soo shockin larx....well...ii guess til here...ii better get goin...byebyee....

-iifah sygg-

.the BROKEN ghurl.

da name's Nur Zarifah.
called as iifah. honey. sygg. slayer. zarifah.(:
iim single yet UNAVAILABLE!!!
my heart has been owned!! n studies cum 1st la.
skul: Chua Chu Kang Pri Regent Sec.
born on da 30 December 1992.
go figure hw old ii am.
zodiac: MONKEYY !
horoscope: CAPRICORN !
takin GCE N level.
an EX Red Cross cadet.
an EX ftdrill I/C
rank: staff sergeantt.
ambition: bcum a Nurse. or Doctor.
LOVES all my babes. gangku!!. godsiblings. n of cuz. my FAMILYY!! :D
**kip all ur memories deep in ur heart. evn if its badd.**

.she adores.

my PARENTS: Papa-kush. Mummie-kush.
my HandPhone: Nokia 5300 [grey]. Sony Ericsson W660i. T700.
my iPod: iPod Nano [blue. square.]
my MP4: Creative Zen Mozaic.
my Digi Cam: Olympus.
my Laptop: BenQ. Dell inspiron.
my skul bagg: Crumpler [limited edition]. Billabong. Converse.
my shoes: CONVERSE!!!!
my pencil box: NP one. Winnie the Pooh one. OP one. Ripcurl one.
my CDs: Jesse McCartney [all 3 album]. Jonas Brothers [both albums]. Camp Rock. Baby V [both album]. Usher [1st album].

.beep her.

add mie at adek_iifah@hotmail.com
Blog views
<3 iifah fahfah zarifah facebook acc!(:
<3 my flixster
<3 my fwenster!!
<3 my imeem
<3 my MULTIPLY acc
<3 my tagged profile
<3 my yearbook


TAGBOARD has been DELETED ! (:
taggs to b tagged to my new blogg !
http://mywonderful-memories.blogspot.com ! (:

.listen to dis.

enjoyy da songg(: COMMENTS needed...
Hurry Up - Chenelle

.she craves fer.

PASS my n's to get into SEC5!
PASS my o's to get into POLY !
get n ENJOY a LIFE.
rebond my hair. hehe
get da huggs korkor owe miee!!
get a RIPCURL, QUICKSLIVER pencil box!!!
a new DOGTAGG!!!. hehe.
valentine's day prnts frm korkor n HIDD
go skul's CULTURAL NITE wit da gangz n my deardear!!(:
enjoy myself da wk bfer my bfd wit da ppl ii LOVE!!
hav a swit sixteen bithdae party!!!
celebrate my anniversaries wit my belovedd.
more CONVERSE sneakers!! && tings!!
take NEO-PRINT wit my SIBLINGS. esp my KORKOR n ABG!!=DD
make new fwens.
hav a PSP. (ii am soo slow=D)

.her peeps.

***note!!:repeated name will not hav a linkk...n sum of dem do not hav links..try ur luckk la...***

<3 HELMI - abgMIMI

<3 GOHXUANLE - myBELOVEDdeardear
<3 NABILA - adekILA (RGT)
<3 RANDY TAN - myBELOVEDdidi #1
<3 RANDY TAN - my BELOVED didi #2
<3 YONGXIN - myBELOVEDdeardear

<3 ASYIKIN - syikin
<3 DANIA - niania
<3 FARAHAIN - Farah
<3 MARIANA - nana
<3 SAMANTHA SOH - samsam
<3 SYAHIRA - ira

<3 FARHAN - EMOguy!! (CV)
<3 FUAD - simplyPUTad(: (RGT)
<3 GOHXUANLE - myBELOVEDdeardear
<3 HADI - bearr(: (RGT)
<3 IRFAN - baka (NP)
<3 LUTFIL HADI - eeyore!! (RGT)
<3 MARIANNA - nana-kuu (RGT)
<3 NAZALI - myBBYtua(: (RGT)
<3 SHICHANG - tiger(: (RGT)
<3 YONGXIN - myBELOVEDdeardear

<3 AZEEM - kwnKUSH!
<3 DANIA - nia
<3 ELIANA - elly
<3 FAHMY - freako
<3 FARA - juniorr(=
<3 FUAD - adviserAD
<3 HADI - ADIbear
<3 HANTHI - juniorr(=
<3 IRFAN - baka (NP nw)
<3 JIAHUI - greatBAKER!(:
<3 JIAYIN - myCHEERFULghurlfiee
<3 LENNARD - father2!
<3 LUTFIL HADI - a"fwen"
<3 NABILA - adekILA(:
<3 NAZALI - myBABYtua(:
<3 SAMANTHA SOH - samsam
<3 SHICHANG - tiger(:
<3 TAUFIQ - crazieMONKEY
<3 WENLI - juniorr(=
<3 YANNY - adekAZY!!
<3 YOUCHUN - father1!

<3 NDP06 [RCY]
<3 JIAWEN - myBELOVEDangel
<3 RADHIAH - charlieANGELS (F)
<3 SYAHIRA - charlieANGELS (AD)

[MY ALPHA 2/4 - mates]:
<3 ABEL (GD)
<3 SALLY (F)

<3 NDP07 [RCY]
<3 AARON - uncleAARON (GD)
<3 ABEL - ABELphekk
<3 HAZIQ - ryan
<3 HUISI - auntieHUISI
<3 JEFFERY SIR - blackaphekk
<3 JIAYUN - auntieJY
<3 JUNE - JUNEmama
<3 LIXIN - auntieLIXIN (HY)
<3 RAZMIAH - auntieRAZ
<3 SAMANTHA - auntieSAM
<3 WEI BEN - uncleBENBEN (CV)

<3 ELAINE - daROUGHghurl!! #1
<3 ELAINE - daROUGHghurl!! #2
<3 JIAN JUN - centipedeMAN!! (CHY)
<3 JOEL - idiot[BYairporkk] (AMK)
<3 TAUFIQ - crazieMONKEY!! (RGT)
<3 WEN BIN - airporkk!! (CHY)


<3 LUTFIL HADI LIANG - hadyboyz
<3 NAZ - black

.her memories.

June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
July 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008

.all thnx to.

Do not remove credits !
Designer : purplekisses-
Photo : Deviantart bottlefairy , Imageshackus :D Edited by : mie, myself n ii(=

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